Strong above sensibility. Light above darkness. The silhouette expands outside of the body and lets the light come through. It also irradiates from the garment by its nude colours. It also contains the darkness within represented by the organic shapes of black cotton. None exists without the other and thus, they coexist as much as they contradict each other. The strength of the darkness and the sensibility of the light.
Technically, darkness is the absence of light and as it pases through, it creates a sense of transparencia that joins the to concepts together. This is a reflection of my own pathway throughout solving issues in life. The overcoming of difficult situations is based on seeing the "good" in it. The light, which in this case is represented by the nude fabrics deconstructed from an old dress, lays in the central root of the garment and begins to wrap the darkness, avoiding it from invading the body and its surrounding with its negativity.