We are all our own thoughts. Although many times they do not revolve around our environment but makes us wander around exploring other sensations, bodies and feelings outside our reality. Here is where our subconsciousness takes place. A thought without a direct foundation on reality is considered imagination, although its roots come from our daily lives.
This garment not only acquires the aesthetic properties of what we visualize oppression looks like, but mostly covers the symbology of the flow of consciousness. This flow is commonly used in writing and literary novels to express the spontaneous thoughts of an individual.
A sensation that stuns. It burdens our subconscious between what is and what should be.
This is why the piece may look aggressive and strong, as it portrays the raw image of our thoughts of guilt. It provokes and gives a sense of the willingness to escape our bodies and minds. Contained by its dark lines that hold the body together with the transparency of the fabric it conveys a contrast of delicate and strong feelings which are covered by a grey fabric which symbolizes structure, our behavior to hide and contain our most darkened secrets and thoughts.



VISUAL ASSOCIATION INSPIRED ON jan hendrix´S WORK "tierra firme"