Humanity is able to dress up its imperfections through masks. It´s a way to pull up a sharade that doesn't show just how vulnerable we are. We seek for protection through other people and desires in order to keep us from hurting. Thomas Shutte (plastic artist) portraits the rawness of our reality, our insecurities which we so strongly try to hide. He paints our weaknesses exposed.
The purpose of this project consists in showing this concept in the form of a garment. While we seek in other people to protect us, we do not see that we are still pretty much exposed as we cannot protect ourselves from everything. This layer serves as a cushion which we think is unbreakable. But in reality, it can still be broken and damaged with the tiniest of our insecurities. It is so because we are delicate and complex creatures, we are in need of affection in order to feel complete and we do not account for the fact that, without it we are exposed.


moulin rouge satin & sequin embroidery jumpsuit